Our Beebe Baby is a true gift
I am a proud member of the Beebe Medical Foundation team. I am also somewhat of a newlywed – married in 2018 – and on Dec. 20, 2019, my beautiful wife Megan gave birth to our son, Jonah Wayne Albright, at Beebe Healthcare.
Jonah is our first baby and we are, of course, madly in love with everything about him. Initially, we were just like all new parents, a little overwhelmed by all of the “firsts” that come with a firstborn. I am delighted to be writing this letter of thanks to all of my fellow team members who provided my family with exceptional care. From the initial news about our pregnancy up to and through Jonah’s actual birth (a few weeks early), we were incredibly well taken care of!
The doctors, nurses, and every member of the support staff at Beebe Women’s Healthcare – Plantations were professional, knowledgeable and thorough. At every appointment along the way, our questions were answered in language we could understand, making our visits pleasant and stress-free.
However, a few months before Jonah was born, Megan began experiencing elevated blood pressure. We were naturally very concerned. She even visited Beebe’s Labor and Delivery a few times, and I began to view my fellow team members with a new lens of appreciation. I am forever grateful for how well everyone cared for me and my family.
There wasn’t a single moment that I felt anything but confidence about our Beebe caregivers. On the day Jonah was born, we had a scheduled prenatal appointment with Dr. Amanda Celashci at Plantations. Megan’s blood pressure was taken multiple times during the appointment and, because it was extremely elevated, Dr. Celaschi sent us to the hospital – likely to be induced. At Beebe, Megan was taken immediately into Labor and Delivery where she was monitored in hopes her blood pressure would improve.
Dr. Luisa Galdi came in to let us know that, for the safety of my wife and the baby, they would be starting an induction that day. In that moment, life became a complete blur – and roller-coaster of emotions – for our family. Thankfully, the staff at Beebe took wonderful care of us all, even at our weakest moments.
Megan was put on a continuous IV of magnesium to help her blood pressure, and the nurses at Beebe Labor and Delivery took extra-great care of her. She progressed with contractions quickly while dealing with the side effects of the magnesium.
After almost hours, with the effects of the magnesium, the whole process of induction, an amazing epidural, and lots of genuine, heartfelt care from Beebe nurses, Jonah finally made his grand appearance!
Born at 3:46 p.m., Jonah weighed 5 pounds, 12.5 ounces and measured 20 inches long. He was four weeks early, so just seconds after he was born, he was taken for observation by neonatal nurse practitioners Karen Smail and Laura Holloway. Megan and I cannot thank Karen, Laura, and every one of our nurses at Beebe enough for all they did for us during our stay. But we offer a huge “thank you” anyway!
Megan and I are proud parents of our first Beebe Baby and, as a family, we donate to Beebe because we acknowledge how important it is to ensure that Beebe is available to our community for generations to come.
As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of individuals, local businesses, corporations and private foundations. Please consider contacting Beebe Medical Foundation today – on Giving Tuesday - to make a gift: www.beebemedicalfoundation.org or 302-644-2900.