
PEO Chapter L grants scholarship to Joanna Cox

March 16, 2020

PEO Chapter L in Lewes has awarded a $4,000 grant to Joanna Cox, a 19-year-old full-time sophomore at Kings College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She plans to pursue a career as a physician’s assistant or a physical therapist. 

Chapter L Delaware Scholarship Fund is a need-based grant program providing financial assistance to women who are enrolled in an accredited postsecondary educational program with the goal of obtaining a degree to gain employment. Applicants must demonstrate a need for financial assistance with their education. 

During the extensive interview process, Chapter L members concluded that Cox had established the level of need as well as determination to succeed in her educational goals sufficient to warrant financial support.

The P.E.O. Sisterhood is a philanthropic and educational organization founded in 1869 that works to bring women increased opportunities for higher education. There are about 6,000 local chapters in the United States and Canada with nearly 240,000 active members. Chapter L, Lewes, was organized in May 1999.

For more information, call Nancy Braybrook-Walma, Chapter L president, or go to

This year, four of the six recipients are or will be attending the University of Delaware. One recipient is enrolled at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania, and another is at Salisbury University in Maryland. Their interests and educational goals are varied in the types of degrees and professions being pursued, and include becoming a nurse anesthetist, teaching and performing music, teaching math at the middle school level, working in a field related to biomedical engineering, becoming a physical therapist, and attaining required degrees to become a special education teacher.



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