
Susan Monday (SuMo) will be missed

July 18, 2019

As a local truck driver, Truck Driver Michael, or as SuMo affectionately called me, TDM, who listened to her show for the past three years, she’ll be greatly missed. Why she was dismissed remains a mystery to me, but my thinking is that it’s related to corporate greed and sexism.

Yes as a male, I’m quick to admit that females in certain fields are marginalized in compensation and promotions. Year after year her ratings were high, year after year she was awarded by her peers, and to suddenly be dismissed is illogical and it’s obvious.

Her show was the first talk radio show I’ve ever participated in, which was due to her calming voice, variety of topics, and her warmness. From her Father’s Day expressions where her fond memories of her late father choked her up, well SuMo it choked me up as well thinking of my late father, which is why I didn’t share my expressions - yes a “tough” truck driver was moved by your expressions. 

Susan and I didn’t always agree on things; her patience with the president and my disdain for him is just one of our frequent disagreements, but still, I was drawn to tune in because of, simply, SuMo. Her being dismissed says a lot about segments of corporate America these days, where greed overrules common sense in some cases and with consolidation, the legal creation of monopolies will threaten us all.

Personally I can do something, though small, but that’s where it starts, small steps that can turn into larger ones. I can choose not to support the advertisers of companies that make decisions solely for their own benefit.

In closing, thank you, Susan Monday for making my days on the road go by faster and doing a lot in distracting me from left lane drivers. I wish you well and a brighter future. Stay true to yourself, SuMo.

Michael Johnson

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