
Sussex Academy juniors aim to crush cancer in its tracks

Teens participate in Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Students of the Year Program
February 17, 2021

Two Sussex Academy juniors are doing their part to help cure cancer and improve the quality of life for patients and their families.

Sadie Tunnell and Kasi Showers have been nominated for Students of the Year, an initiative of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to help high school students develop philanthropic leadership. Through the program, Sadie and Kasi created a team, Crushing Cancer 4 a Cause, to raise funds for LLS.

The initiative is personal for Sadie, who volunteered at Tunnell Cancer Center before the pandemic. While there, she befriended a man named Chet, who was undergoing treatment, and his wife.

“They were the sweetest couple I ever met,” she said. “He unfortunately did pass away. They were in their 80s when I knew them, and they had been together since they were 15.”

The man was a woodcarver, Sadie said, and before his hands became too shaky toward the end of his six-year battle with cancer, he carved for her a wooden duck that she keeps on her bedside table.

Fundraising has been tough during the pandemic, and students can't hold galas or events as usual, Sadie said. 

Her team has held pop-up fundraisers at Moe’s Southwest Grill, and on Sunday, Feb. 21, will participate in a 5K at Sandhill Fields called Freeze the Day 5K under the team name Freezing Cancer in its Tracks; sign up to run or walk at In two weeks, the team will host a boot camp with a weight trainer and offer items for auction. More auction items are still being accepted for a grand finale fundraiser, Sadie said.

The fundraising campaign ends Thursday, March 11. To donate, go to the Crushing Cancer 4 a Cause team website at​.

Checks are also accepted and can be made payable to T​he Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Crushing Cancer 4 a Cause and mailed to Sadie Tunnell, 29303 Pine Cove Lane, Milton, DE 19968.

“Every dollar helps make strides toward ending cancer,” Sadie said, noting that LLS has funded 55 of 65 FDA-approved cancer treatments since 2017 and has also invested $1.3 billion in research. “In addition, your donation helps keep my friend Chet’s spirit alive.”

For more information, or to donate auction items, email ​​ or call/text 302-858-8624.

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