
Sussex emergency responders seek radio upgrade

Firefighters, paramedics using patched system to keep communication lines open
October 15, 2018

Until 800 MHz radio fixes are made, Sussex County emergency officials can’t communicate with officials via radio in the bordering Maryland counties of Wicomico and Worcester. However, temporary emergency measures are in place to allow personnel to talk to one another, said Sussex County Emergency Operations Center Director Joe Thomas.

Thomas said Maryland officials have upgraded their radios to Phase 2, while Sussex County radios remain Phase 1. “We can’t communicate with them now,” he said during Sussex County Council's Sept. 18 meeting.

Wicomico County switched over Aug. 29 and officials in Worcester County and Ocean City will switch over in October, Thomas said.

Thomas said several Sussex County fire departments and Sussex County paramedics interact with the neighboring Maryland counties almost on a daily basis. “It’s a safety issue,” Thomas said.

Affected fire departments include Roxana, Gumboro, Selbyville, Laurel, Seaford, Blades and Bethany Beach.

Thomas said emergency communications continue in the interim. He said phone patches have been created through Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, Md., and two-way radio patches allow fire departments in the two states to communicate. “It's not ideal, but it's working,” he said.

Thomas said the cost to upgrade the county radios will be approximately $76,000, which could be covered by a Delaware Emergency Management Agency grant.

Thomas said the Phase 2 radios are the latest technology available. “You can key them up and talk to anyone across the country,” he said.

He said Maryland emergency officials can still communicate with Sussex County officials.

Thomas said Motorola is offering a one-time 65-percent discount until Dec.14 for an upgrade bringing the cost per radio down from $518 to $182.

“We are playing catch up to find a solution and funding,” said County Administrator Todd Lawson. “We’ll be in a good place as fast as we can.”


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