
Vote Mills, Gossett and Lagree in Rehoboth

July 23, 2020

“Rehoboth Beach has been invaded by uncaring, un-American, scary villains,” a medical professional recently wrote to this paper.

He had just observed unmasked visitors on the Boardwalk make a “rude gesture” to one of our police officers and insolently walk away after being asked to cover their faces as city rules - and public health wisdom - dictate.

We all have gotten used to dramatic descriptions of unusual behavior in pandemic 2020. But are such mask-less outsider, increasingly attracted here by the “tourism town” agenda of the mayor, his political cronies, and other outsiders in Sussex County, Dover and the LLC factories in Wilmington, creating  a new set of Rehoboth Beach community values? Are they replacing the valued neighborly nature of our town with “rude gestures?”

This brings our coming municipal elections to mind. Who among candidates for mayor and city commissioner more strongly support the traditions here that made our city so livable (and therefore so valuable?)

I am betting on Stan Mills for mayor, and Patrick Gossett and Jay Lagree for commissioner. Vote for people who will avoid a quick-buck future and cheapen the traditional values we have up to now worked so hard to preserve.

Stan Heuisler
Rehoboth Beach

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