
Wanted: Photos of you reading Cape Gazette around town

May 3, 2020

Help us out!

Due to the COVID-19, our Travelers Series submissions have come to a halt since no one is traveling. We want to continue to share our Traveler Series page with you and have come up with an idea to keep the series rolling.

Do you need something to do or to occupy your mind during these stressful times? Well, head on out for a walk, a bike ride or even a hike and be sure to grab the latest edition of the Cape Gazette. As you are enjoying the fresh air while social distancing, find a bench, a tree stump or perhaps even a spot in the sand to stop and read the paper.

Capture the moment and submit your photo to us with a brief explanation of where you stopped on your outdoor adventure to read your favorite newspaper. We will make you famous!

Send your photos and information to:


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