
Coluzzi should focus on sister city

October 5, 2017

I supported Susan Gay in the recent election and it seems obvious to me that Ms. Gay is the best choice to fill the open seat as between Susan Gay and Pat Coluzzi.

Both are well qualified and capable. Susan Gay ran in the recent election, Pat Coluzzi did not. Susan Gay had significant support within the city (more than 600 votes), so allowing Susan Gay to fill the open slot would be an important step toward bring the city together. Pat Coluzzi could help Rehoboth Beach by focusing more attention on the organization she founded, Rehoboth Beach Sister Cities Association.

About five years ago the city entrusted one of the last pieces of park land to the care of Rehoboth Beach Sister Cities Association. Many in the community were excited by the promise of culture exchange with our new "sister city" Greve-in-Chianti, Italy. I haven't seen any recent reports of culture exchange, and the website for The Rehoboth Beach Sister Cities Association seems to be down.

If the city remains committed to the sister cities program, Ms. Coluzzi is the right person to reinvigorate this program.

Michael Bednarek
Rehoboth Beach


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