
Delaware plastic bag ban a disappointment

September 7, 2021

I have to say it, I am disappointed with Delawareans regarding the single-use plastic bag law that went into effect Jan. 1 of this year.  Why? At first I was very hopeful when I saw people bring their own bags into the grocery stores, big retailers and pharmacies. It didn’t seem like it was that difficult to comply with the ban; certainly it was already second nature to me, and whatever grumbling there was seemed to calm down rather quickly.  The same thing happened when we banned single-use plastic foam coffee cups in the office: some complaining, some reluctance, then acceptance as it was realized that this was the new normal.  Behavior changed in just a few months.

So what happened Delaware?  Within months, stores found ways around the ban with what is a worse alternative:  thicker “reusable” plastic bags that won’t be reused, or paper.  Yes, there is a bill to close the reusable loophole so that the bags must be made of durable fabric with stitched handles, but this still leaves the paper bags, and I am sure retailers are working on a way around the updated plastic bag bill as we speak. On my recent trip to the grocery store I noticed what seemed like 95 percent of the customers reverted right back into old behavior, no longer bringing bags but relying on the retailer to provide them.  The thicker bags and paper cost the retailer more, and that cost is probably being passed right back to the consumer.  Yes, you are probably paying for this convenience.

I thought we thought this ban was a good idea?  Articles I read praised the ban; our legislators were “supportive.”  From an environmental standpoint, Delaware was heading in the right direction.  Instead, retailers defeated the intent and spirit of the law, and consumers went right along with it.

Why couldn’t the retailers just give the initial ban enough time to become the norm? Why couldn’t we consumers continue bringing our own bags even though the retailers “caved” or found creative ways around the law?  It’s actually a shame that there even has to be a law to legislate good behavior where this is concerned.  Each of us can make a difference, so choose to do it regardless of what the current law is.  Let’s help the environment we say we love so much.  Delaware is a beautiful state.  Let’s make it better.

Patty Durachko
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