
Dewey moves toward residential trash service

Rental property owners may be required to participate
January 27, 2016

Story Location:
Dewey Beach, DE
United States

Dewey Beach property owners who rent their properties should prepare for trash service provided by the town.

During a Jan. 8 workshop, town council all but agreed to a contract with Millsboro-based Waste Industries to provide residential trash service.

“I think most people will like it,” said Mayor Diane Hanson.

Beginning with town-sponsored community meetings in October and November, Dewey began exploring the logistics of providing residential trash service as soon as the summer season ended.

A request for proposals went out in November with a Jan. 4 deadline. The town received two bids – the one from Waste Industries and another from Seaford-based Peninsula Trash & Recycling.

There’s enough of a difference in the two submissions that the town didn’t even include Peninsula’s proposal as part of the handout provided to the public.

Waste Industries’ proposal sets the average monthly cost for a typical single family house – one trash can picked up twice a week and one recycling can picked up once a week – coming in at $18.88. For a larger home – two trash and recycling cans, with same pick up schedule – the cost is $33.88.

Hanson noted the once-a-week pick up for recycling compared to the once-every-other-week service most residential properties receive now.

Peninsula’s proposal, submitted as a per-week price for the same level of service, came in at $238.50 per household. Peninsula could not be reached to comment on the bid.

Council held off on fully committing to the contract at the meeting because there were still a few issues to figure out, including how the cost of the service will be paid for by the property owners who rent, estimated administrative costs realized by the town and how non-renting property owners will be able to opt into the program.

A town-provided valet service for trash cans – estimated by Hanson to cost $30,000 a year – has not been included in the price. She said the town is looking into hiring summer help to provide this service.

Hanson said, for now, the plan is to add the costs to the residential rental license filled out by property owners.

Commissioner Courtney Riordan said he thinks the proposed service is a great thing, but if it’s not unveiled correctly, he said seeing the service added to the residential license fee is going to hit home owners "right between the eyes." He said he’s fearful this initiative could explode for the wrong reasons.

Town Manager Marc Appelbaum said the service provided will be much better, and the town will have more control of the trash problems.

Appelbaum is expected to have the details of the service prepared for council’s Feb. 13 meeting.

Town’s trash contract

Peninsula wasn’t completely left out in the cold.

Council voted unanimously in favor of continuing its relationship with the company for picking up the town’s trash cans, which include locations along Route 1, Route 1A, and along the entrances of the oceanside and bayside beaches. The contract is for three years.

Appelbaum complimented Peninsula on its service. There are a lot of problems with trash, but not with the pickup, he said.


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