
Local nonprofit expert launches bestselling book

September 13, 2023

Delaware author Michele Whetzel’s “So, You Want to Start a Nonprofit, Now What?” has just concluded a successful book launch on Amazon with the book ranked as a No. 1 bestseller.

The book will take readers on the journey from the seed of an idea about starting a new nonprofit to running a successful charitable organization. It explains what a nonprofit is and whether or not to start one, and offers suggestions for alternate plans if not.

Those who do choose to start a 501c3 charity will find this book to be an excellent reference for creating a business plan, choosing a name and logo, forming an excellent board, and becoming an official corporation with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. This book can be used as a guide to learning about board and nonprofit best practices, governance, funding and fundraisers, grants, risk management, and communications and social media for charities, whether a nonprofit is just starting or already running.

Also covered is navigating an organization’s growth for the most successful outcomes. The appendices offer a wealth of knowledge, including nonprofit resources in each state, and sample policies and procedures.

Published by Twin Willows Publishing and marketed by BCG Publishing, “So, You Want to Start a Nonprofit, Now What?” is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.

Whetzel resides with her husband Robert in Newark and Lewes. For more information, go to

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