
SEDAC supports offshore wind

November 15, 2022

The Sussex Economic Development Action Committee is united in its support of offshore wind energy and believes now is the time for Delaware to deepen its commitment to this renewable resource.

Because of its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, Delaware Bay and Delaware River, Delaware is uniquely positioned to benefit from offshore wind energy development. Delaware's strong, consistent offshore wind coupled with a wide, shallow continental shelf make it perfectly suited for offshore wind deployment using existing technology. New wind energy development will not only provide emission-free power and help us guard against volatile fossil fuel prices, but will also contribute substantially to local economic development.

The offshore wind industry is projected to invest nearly $140 billion in the U.S. by 2035 for the manufacturing, construction and maintenance of offshore wind projects. As offshore wind's potential grows, the job opportunities are boundless. The industry could create 83,000 jobs in the United States and drive $25 billion in annual economic output in the next decade, according to the American Wind Energy Association.

As an emerging industry for the U.S., offshore wind also presents the opportunity to develop a substantial domestic manufacturing supply chain, and infuse new manufacturing investments and tax revenues across the country. SEDAC believes the state of Delaware can advance wind energy generation by taking proactive steps to support its local development. These measures include implementing effective policy and regulatory frameworks for procurement and delivery of renewable energy, including sensible and streamlined permitting schemes that prioritize renewables-based generation as well as associated environmentally sound development.

Also, a commitment to rapid buildout of clean energy infrastructure, including grids and transmission, must be achieved by adopting a forward-planning strategy that will be required to integrate large-scale renewable energy. SEDAC recognizes the need to act fast with the collective force of government, investors, industry and communities to realize the benefits of renewable energy. Our members stand ready to work with state and industry leaders to consider offshore wind energy opportunities and to accelerate wind energy deployment. 

Joseph Conaway
Chair, Sussex Economic Development Action Committee 
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