
Smyk hides behind his record

October 31, 2022

At the abysmally run Senate District 6 forum at the Lewes library last week, Republican candidate Steve Smyk told the audience his voting record doesn’t reflect his own views, but rather that of the majority of his constituents. He didn’t explain how he determined the prevailing view of the 18,000 registered voters in his representative district. Does anyone remember getting a polling question from him for every vote he took? It’s going to be quite a challenge if he has to figure out the majority opinion of the 46,000 registered voters in Senate District 6.

When asked about his voting record, he kept repeating, “I vote the way my constituents want.” Well, Mr. Smyk, I vote for candidates who support my values (you don’t) and, once elected, I expect them to listen to my concerns, vote their conscience and then defend their positions. I don't expect them to ask me how they should vote on every bill. And I sure didn’t believe Mr. Smyk when he said that’s the way he operates!

At one point, he told the group that in his heart he believed people could marry whomever they want (his words: “of any persuasion”), but he voted against marriage equality because that’s how most of his constituents wanted him to vote. He even had a statistic: “17 times more constituents supported his no vote on marriage equality.” Really? And by the way, Mr. Smyk, I am not gay because I was somehow persuaded to be. Sheesh! Where have you been for the past 40 years!?

I vote for candidates who have the courage to state their positions on issues. As was evident at the Lewes forum, Russ Huxtable is willing to tell us where he stands on any issue. His voting record as a state senator will reflect his clearly stated positions and principles. Russ Huxtable has my vote for Senate District 6.

Don Peterson
Rehoboth Beach
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