
Snoop: Shizzle my nizzle! Drop it like it’s hot!

Hair of the Dog 5K New Year’s Day
December 30, 2022

Reflexology - Fred family members roared through the kitchen door on Christmas morning led by Davey, “What’s up, Fred? Chubby Bunny in the house.” Lina came right over and handed me a homemade card. It was so cool. I opened it looking for money but instead a message saying, “Merry Christmas, Mima and Fredman. We love you guys so much! Thank you for the endless support in our sports and music. Love, Lina, Meredith, James, Will, Suzannah and Jack. Shizzle my nizzle, drop it like it’s hot.” We got a homemade Snoop Dogg for Christmas. “Snoop in the house!”  

Knocking it down - The year 2022 completes 40 years for this column. That is done by knocking down deadlines in front of my face, not by twisting my neck for a backwards glance. I mostly don’t do year and career in review columns. I may repeat myself on occasion – “Hey, this story sounds familiar” – but trust me, I never tell a story the same way twice or thrice, as  every retelling is a fresh version with elements embellished, dropped or changed to protect the innocuous. My mentor in sportswriting, Irish Dick Dougherty of the Bucks County Courier Times, gave me the roadmap for column writing as we sat in Marek’s Cafe Bar in Hulmeville, Pa. “Never forget what athletes do and did in high school. It’s your job to remember, and that will make two of you.” I see it, then imprint it and never forget I saw it. If there is a sportswriter spectrum, I am on it. Remembering people at their best is my life’s work. 

Dumb down - Sung to Gordon Lightfoot’s “Sundown”: “Dumb down, you better take care, if I find you’ve been creeping ‘round my backstairs.” Sports punditry, from network shows to regular pregame crews to the bevy of weak, unimaginative color commentators all trying to sound like Bill Raftery are all mostly offensive on purpose. Talking loud and fast doesn’t make a person more interesting; it’s more of a message of, “Don’t interrupt me while I’m telling you what I think; otherwise I may forget.” 

Jackson and Van Gundy - Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy (Mark’s former coach) are two chill and reserved NBA analysts who work big games together with Mike Breen doing play-by-play. They were talking about the Celtics reaching the finals the previous season, then losing to the Warriors. Both former coaches dismissed the cliché that a loss can make a team stronger and more focused, and tap into the soul and resilience of the athletes. “I remember the hurt more than the happiness,” Van Gundy said. Jackson laughed and said, “Me too.” I listened as my brain retrieved the top 10 losses that continue to hurt and dog me every day ... actually, it’s more of a top 25. Cape teams that lose in the finals get no fire truck escort around town, no hallway parade. 

The man who cried dog - A running community friend, Doug Purcell, is active with the Bethany scene and emailed me, “Sure would like to see you at the Hair of the Dog 5K race on New Year's Day.” I answered, “It would sure be nice to get one of those stuffed dog prizes.” I’ve made the same request for a bunny at the Bunny Palooza race. And so far when I raise my fee from free to stuffed animal, the best I can hope for is a lettered water bottle like from the Dogfish Dash. Marathon Mary Beth knows what’s up. I used to tell Gazette Publisher Dennis Forney, “Let’s not even talk about paying me what I’m worth because you can’t afford it, so just shut up about it.” Dennis laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll never bring it up.”   

Snippets - Practice for the spring season of college lacrosse begins the first week of January. Games start in February. Banks of snow often rim the field in the Northeast. There are lots of Delaware-connected athletes at the next level playing on men’s and women’s college teams. Give Fredman a heads-up if you have a bloodhound in the game. High school practices (tryouts) begin March 1. Best to show up in shape, and if you’re thinking, “Doesn’t everyone?” the answer is, “No, they don’t.” You can always outwork people. Go to or email to join the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame as a voting member. You must pay dues – $30 per year is the cheapest option – by Jan. 31 to get a ballot of the spring slate of candidates. Don’t do the downstate thing and not join, then complain about underrepresentation. Or do all that, whatever makes you unhappiest. Go on now, git!


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