
Trail bridge over Lewes canal a necessity

September 1, 2023

Thank you for your article dated Aug. 18 on the Lewes-to-Georgetown Trail survey. It was good to know that the trail will be almost completed by 2025.

I say almost because, contrary to what may be implied, cyclists have not yet found a way to swim safely across the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal with their bicycles on their backs. This is less of a challenge for pedestrians, of course, although I still have yet to see one of them jump in to avoid detouring via the Lewes drawbridge.

You also reported that the Delaware secretary of transportation looks forward to “building the final six miles of the trail, connecting our growing communities with a great alternative to relying solely on cars for travel.” This statement is probably good politics, but it is bad engineering. “Final” means that cyclists won’t have to choose between getting squeezed by cars on the drawbridge or dismounting to walk their bicycles on sidewalks already crowded by pedestrians, including many children during the summer season. DelDOT’s job of completing the trail will only be done when a bike and pedestrian bridge is built to connect the trailheads over the canal. Until then, congratulations are just wishful thinking.

Thierry Poirey


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