Delaware residents headed to the polls through 8 p.m., Sept. 10, to vote in the state’s primary election.
Poll workers reported a slow but steady pace of voters throughout the morning and afternoon, and saw an uptick in volume after regular business hours.
For local results, go to
Jennifer August stumped for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Meyer while Jerry Dettore showed support for Marty Rendon, Democratic candidate for the 14th District.
Emerson Page of the Human Rights Campaign said she came to Cape High to promote Sarah McBride, candidate for U.S. Congress.
Promoting Kathy McGuiness, Democratic candidate for the 14th District, were (l-r) Missy Jones, Emily Johnston and Nash Johnston.

While Conley’s United Methodist Church served as a polling location, the separation of church and state was made clear.
Sharon Lambert traveled the state to support Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Debbie Harrington.
Supporting the re-election bid of Cindy Green, Sussex County Council District 1, were (l-r) daughter Kelly Green Ohnmacht, Erin McNamara and Cathy McNamara.
Supporting 14th District Democratic candidate Claire Snyder-Hall were Steve Palmer and Lissa Dulany.
At Mariner Middle School, Carol Kashow promoted Democrat Stell Parker Selby in her re-election bid for the House’s 20th District.
Sussex County Council District 1 candidate Steve McCarron was supported by county planning & zoning Commissioner Bruce Mears and Republican candidate for the House’s 20th District Nikki Miller.
Debbie Porth said Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Meyer started his day in Sussex and then headed to polling sites in the northern part of the state.